How to play barre chords on guitar and 5 tips to get better at playing them!

How to play barre chords on guitar - post cover

If you’ve started learning barre chords on guitar, you might have found them to be much tougher to play than you expected. Learning these chords can be a frustrating and uncomfortable process but there are ways approach them more ease which we’ll look at. After you learn your open chords on guitar, which are the ones you … Read more

Use the power of listening to unlock your instrument

In the process of learning to play your instrument, do you often experience frustration learning scales, chords, or reading sheet music but feel like you’re not progressing as much as you expected? Coming from my experience, I’d like to give you some thoughts on how this one thing can change the way you approach learning … Read more

How to read slash chords on guitar

How to read slash chords on guitar - post cover

Have you ever come across slash chords when learning the chords of a song but weren’t sure what they meant? These symbols are quite simpler to understand than you might think. In this lesson, we cover what slash chords are, how and why they’re used on guitar, and also give you musical examples that you … Read more

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