Bourrée in E minor by Bach (guitar tabs)

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In this lesson, we’ll cover how to play Bourrée in E minor by Johann Sebastian Bach on guitar. This popular classical piece, also known as BWV 996, was originally written for the lute as the 5th movement from Suite in E minor.

The piece gives you a good introduction to Bach’s work without being overly complex. This is ideal for intermediate level guitarists looking to develop their fingerpicking technique. Grab your guitar and let’s get started!

Bouree in E minor by Bach guitar tabs

What stands out in this piece is Bach’s use of counterpoint, meaning how the different voices move together or in contrary motion to create harmony. You will see how the melody and bass line masterfully weave together throughout this piece.

If you are having trouble playing the piece, you can try playing the melody or bass line separately before putting the parts together.

The numbers above or next to some notes on the top staff indicate which fingers to use on the fretting hand. If needed, see this guide on understanding music symbols.

The form of the piece is straightforward in that you repeat measures 1 through 9 and then repeat measures 10 through 26.

By the way you can get the PDF of this song below.

Bourrée in E minor by Bach guitar tabs page 1
Bouree in E minor Bach guitar tabs page 2

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To learn other popular pieces by Bach, check out Air, Cello Suite No. 1 (Prelude), Jesu Joy of Man’s Desiring or Minuet in G.

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All the best,

JG Music Lessons

Reference: Bouree in E minor. Wikipedia

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