Learn Minuet in G (Chords, Tabs for Melody, and Arrangement)

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Minuet in G, BWV Ahn. 114 is one of the most recognizable classical melodies and is commonly associated with Johann Sebastian Bach. However, the piece is actually composed by Christian Petzold as a part of Notebook for Anna Magdalena Bach. This lesson covers the chords for Minuet in G Major, sheet music for the melody … Read more

Spanish Romance aka Romanza (with guitar tabs)

Spanish Romance (Romanza) guitar tabs banner

Spanish Romance is one of the most popular classical guitar pieces with an unknown composer. This piece is referred to by different names such as Romanza, Romance de Amor, or Estudio en Mi de Rubira (Study in E by Rubira). The song is ideal for advanced beginners to intermediate level guitarists that are able to … Read more

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