Learn the G Minor Scale on Guitar – 5 Essential Shapes (with Tabs)

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The G minor scale is a fundamental scale every guitarist should know. If you’ve already learned the notes in the first position, the next step is to expand your knowledge across the entire fretboard. Mastering the five essential scale shapes will help you navigate the neck with confidence and unlock new creative possibilities. If you’re … Read more

Recuerdos de la Alhambra by Tarrega (guitar tabs)

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Recuerdos de la Alhambra by Francisco Tárrega is a stunning showcase of the beauty and expressive potential of classical guitar. With its intricate and rewarding tremolo technique, this piece beautifully captures the charm and depth of its melody. Mastering this iconic composition will sharpen your technical skills, improve your control, and develop your ability to … Read more

How to play the A minor blues scale on guitar (5 shapes)

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In this lesson, we’re covering how to play the A minor blues scale on guitar by learning the 5 essential scale shapes and the music theory for how it works.  Although the blues scale is often used in blues music, this versatile scale can also be used in different genres to create soulful and melodic ideas. … Read more

8 ways to play a C minor 9 chord on guitar aka C min 7 (9)

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If you want to add a jazzy edge to your guitar playing, using 9th chords is a powerful tool that adds a smooth and sophisticated sound to your music. Before learning 9th chords, I recommend first checking out the guide on 7th chords if you don’t know them already. In this lesson, we’ll cover 8 ways to play the C minor … Read more

Learn Barry Harris’ Major 6th diminished scale on guitar (with application examples)

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Barry Harris was an influential jazz pianist and educator, renowned for his unique approach to harmony and improvisation. In particular, the 6th diminished scale is one of his core concepts, offering a wealth of harmonic possibilities and a distinctive sound to your playing. In this lesson, we’ll cover specifically how to play the Major 6 … Read more

Learn Maria Luisa by Sagreras (guitar tabs)

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Master the iconic Spanish guitar piece Maria Luisa by Julio S. Sagreras in this lesson. Learn the sheet music and tabs, and elevate your guitar skills with this timeless classic. Let’s get started! Music symbols used in the piece If needed, you can check out this guide on understanding music symbols. Note on barre chord symbols  … Read more

10 ways to play an E 9 chord on guitar (aka E 7 9)

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If you want to add a jazzy edge to your guitar playing, using 9th chords is a powerful tool that adds a smooth and sophisticated sound to your music. Before learning 9th chords, I recommend first checking out the guide on 7th chords if you don’t know them already. In this lesson, we’ll break down how the E 9 chord aka E … Read more

Guitar Songs for the Fall

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Here are some song recommendations to learn this fall! 🍁 Click the links to get the PDFs for these songs! You can also explore these song categories on the site for purchase: To find more resources for your skill level, go to the levels page.

How to play the E blues scale on guitar (5 shapes)

E blues scale guitar banner

In this lesson, we’re covering how to play the E blues scale on guitar by learning the 5 essential scale shapes and the underlying music theory. Although the blues scale is often used in blues music, this versatile scale can also be used in different genres to create soulful and melodic ideas. If you missed the … Read more

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